Noir has been deprecated

But it lives on as the library lib-noir, which is used very nicely with Compojure

Getting some input

The first thing we need to do is create a form. We’ll do that using hiccup, so if you haven’t read the Generating HTML doc, go do so real quick. In terms of organization, I’ve found it best to define forms as a partial of their fields like so:

(defpartial layout [& content]
     [:title "Forms"]]

(defpartial user-fields [{:keys [firstname lastname]}]
  (label "firstname" "First name: ")
  (text-field "firstname" firstname)
  (label "lastname" "Last name: ")
  (text-field "lastname" lastname))

(defpage "/user/add" {:as user}
    (form-to [:post "/user/add"]
            (user-fields user)
            (submit-button "Add user"))))

This allows you to use that partial for all the various incarnations of the form (add, edit, etc). Another good practice is to have forms post to the same URL, this will remove the need for extraneous redirects in the case of an error. Right now, though, our form posts to a URL that we haven’t handled. So let’s define a page for the POST to /user/add. Basically what we’ll want it to do is check if our input is valid and either display a success message or show the form again:

(require '[noir.response :as resp])

(defn valid? [{:keys [firstname lastname]}]

(defpage [:post "/user/add"] {:as user}
  (if (valid? user)
      [:p "User added!"])    
    (render "/user/add" user)))

This is probably the first time you’ve seen the (render) function. It allows you to call a page by its url as if it were just a normal function. In this case, it’s how we’ll show the form again without having to redirect. Note that we’re also passing our parameters through so that whatever we inputted shows up when we render the form again. So now we need to fill in that (valid?) function, which we’ll do by using noir’s validation functions.

(require '[noir.validation :as vali])

(defn valid? [{:keys [firstname lastname]}]
  (vali/rule (vali/min-length? firstname 5)
             [:firstname "Your first name must have more than 5 letters."])
  (vali/rule (vali/has-value? lastname)
             [:lastname "You must have a last name"])
  (not (vali/errors? :lastname :firstname)))

What you see here is a set of rules that have the form (rule passed? [error-key error-text]) where if value of passed? is false, the error text is added to the error key. There are several ways to then retrieve those errors, one of which is to ask if there are any errors for a list of fields. That’s done via the (errors?) function we use at the end to determine if all our rules passed. Note that there’s nothing special about the value you pass to (rule) and you can use anything that returns truthiness as your test. Alright, we have errors and now we need to show them on our form. The last thing we’ll use is the (on-error) function to show a partial when we have an error in our form.

(defpartial error-item [[first-error]]
  [:p.error first-error])

(defpartial user-fields [{:keys [firstname lastname]}]
  (vali/on-error :firstname error-item)
  (label "firstname" "First name: ")
  (text-field "firstname" firstname)
  (vali/on-error :lastname error-item)
  (label "lastname" "Last name: ")
  (text-field "lastname" lastname))

One thing to note here is that errors for a field are provided as a collection since multiple rules can add errors to a field. In this case, we only care about the first error, so our partial destructures it down to one value.

And that’s it! Here’s the complete code:

(use 'noir.core ' 'hiccup.form-helpers)
(require '[noir.validation :as vali])
(require '[noir.response :as resp])

(defpartial layout [& content]
     [:title "Forms"]]

(defpartial error-item [[first-error]]
  [:p.error first-error])

(defpartial user-fields [{:keys [firstname lastname]}]
  (vali/on-error :firstname error-item)
  (label "firstname" "First name: ")
  (text-field "firstname" firstname)
  (vali/on-error :lastname error-item)
  (label "lastname" "Last name: ")
  (text-field "lastname" lastname))

(defn valid? [{:keys [firstname lastname]}]
  (vali/rule (vali/min-length? firstname 5)
             [:firstname "Your first name must have more than 5 letters."])
  (vali/rule (vali/has-value? lastname)
             [:lastname "You must have a last name"])
  (not (vali/errors? :lastname :firstname)))

(defpage "/user/add" {:as user}
    (form-to [:post "/user/add"]
            (user-fields user)
            (submit-button "Add user"))))

(defpage [:post "/user/add"] {:as user}
  (if (valid? user)
      [:p "User added!"])
    (render "/user/add" user)))